Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Treasure Hunt
3A children played a treasure hunt game to find out several things in their school. It was a very fun and informative game...
End of Year - Class CIP Activity
3A children worked together to clean up their classroom before our last day of school. They worked in groups to ensure all parts of their classroom is cleaned up well. Enjoy these shots....
Our Sudoku Champion
Our Jethro (3A) won the level championship for the Sudoku competition held yesterday. We are very proud to that Jet managed to compete with so many of them and make it this far. CONGRATS JET!
Best Regards,
Mdm Pavithra.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Lower Primary Sports Meet
We had our lower primary sports meet on the (13/11/11) Monday and 3A had loads of fun participating in all the events. They enjoyed cheering for one another. Oh...and guess what we won a Silver Award for one of the events! Isn't that AMAZING? CONGRATS Children! I'm very happy for you! We will keep the spirit going for next year's sports day!
Here are some shots for your viewing pleasure......enjoy!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
3A's Proud of our Young Author Celest
3A is very proud to announce that our Celest was one among the 48 young author's short listed amongst 400 candidates who took part in the Young Authors' Award in Woodlands Regional Library Auditorium. She was awarded with a certificate of commendation and also received a plague to represent Endeavour Primary. CONGRATS Celest!!!! We are super proud of you! Great Job!!! Way to go!!!
Best Regards,
Mdm Pavithra.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Cleanest Class Room Award
Hi! Children..we did it again! Congrats! It's the second time this year 3A has won the cleanest classroom award. I'm very proud of you for helping to keep the classroom clean by diligently doing your duties. Thank you all!
Mdm Pavithra.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
More Area & Perimeter Worksheets for you..
Dear 3A Children,
I would strongly urge you to try out more practice exercises on this topic as it isn't an easy topic for a start. Do look up these worksheets and try them out when you are free. Happy learning....
Area Worksheet 1
Area Worksheet 2
Perimeter Worksheet 1
Area & Perimeter Worksheet
Mdm Pavithra.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Justin Group Compo
Uncle Sam is my neighbour. He is also an honest taxi driver. With a word "Hello" and an ever-ready smile, this taxi driver is one of the loveable drivers in our neighbourhood.
"Hello there! Where are you going?" Wncle Sam asked politely. "Hello, please take us to a terrace house beside the block 341." The couple lamented joyfully. Uncle Sam droved.
"Goodbye Madam, goodbye sir!" Uncle Sam piped. The couples did not say anything and handed the taxi fare to Uncle Sam. They left as quick as lightning.
Uncle Sam, started to drive. While he was driving, he caught sight of a polka-dot parcel. He was shocked and stunned.
He quickly got out of his taxi and took the parcel and dashed helter-skelter towards the couple's house gate. Uncle Sam pressed the doorbell. "Ring, is anybody there?" The gate opened, the couples came out and asked,"May I help you?" Uncle Sam said,"You left your parcel in the taxi, I came to return the parcel to you. "The couple opened the parcel and checked if anything was lost. They thanked Uncle Sam and offered him precious things.
Faiez Group Compo
The Honest Man
It was another usual day for Alex. He drove a couple back safely to their terrace house. He also wished them a good day when they were paying their taxi fare so they had given him a tip.
When Alex was about to leave, he spotted a box left behind by the pair of couple. Alex wanted to bring back the box home, but he thought of integrity. He quickly drove back to the couple’s terrace. Alex carried the parcel and pressed the doorbell. The couple stepped out and saw their important parcel. Inside was a precious necklace and money.
“Oh, thank you!” said the couple. They wanted to give him the money that was inside the box but Alex didn’t want it. The couple said thank you and went inside the house. Alex felt relieved that the couple got back their important parcel.
Ernest Group Compo
A Good Deed
Mr. Lee, a taxi driver recalled the good deed he had
done. It all started like this…… It was a sunny day. The
sun was shining and the birds were singing. Mr. Lee
drove a loving couple who lives in a terrace house near
Canberra Road. When the couple alighted, they gave $10
to Mr. Lee and told him to keep the change. Then the
couple walked back to their terrace house.
After a while, when Mr. Lee was getting ready to go
he looked at the back seat and saw a parcel. It was the
couple whom left it behind.
So he quickly got out of his taxi and rang the
doorbell of the couple’s house. Curiously, the couple came out
of their house and asked Mr. Lee ‘‘May I help you?’’
Mr. Lee took out the parcel and asked whether the parcel
was theirs. The couple nodded their heads and told Mr. Lee the
parcel was theirs. Mr. Lee gave the parcel back to the couple
and the man took the parcel and told the wife to open it. It was
a beautiful diamond necklace which was a surprise to the wife
and it cost nearly $10,000. The wife was very happy that the
precious necklace was found. The wife rewarded Mr. Lee by
giving him a $100 voucher.
The End
Done by Ernest, Regina, Sherlyn and Chloe
Area & Perimeter Game
Hey...children, do play this game! It's very cool and you will get to learn more about calculating the sides for various figures so that you can find perimeter of figures. Enjoy!
Click here!
Mdm Pavithra.
Area & Perimeter worksheet
Hi... Kids check out this website for more worksheets for practice. Have fun!
Click here!
Sheryl group compo
Sheryl's Group
"Hurry up, Zack we're going to be late for Zane’s birthday party." Zoe reminded her husband, as they went out of their terrace house and stood by the roadside to hail a taxi. When they a taxi, they hailed at it, the taxi stopped. "Ang Mo Kio please!" Zoe said, and the taxi driver took them to Ang Mo Kio.
The taxi driver dropped them off at Ang Mo Kio, when he was driving away, he looked behind and saw a parcel carried by Zoe and her husband in the back seat. He immediately u-turned his car and drove back to Zane’s semi-detached house to return the parcel to the couple. When he reached Zane’s house, he rang the door bell several times before Zane’s maid came to answer the door. The taxi driver told the maid that he was looking for a couple. The maid immediately asked Zoe and her husband to come to the door. Zoe and her husband was very surprised to see the taxi driver
Cheng Han group
The Honest Driver
Whenever Mr Lim, a part time taxi driver was hired by a couple, he would remember one of his happiest days of his life. It was five years ago when the scene took place.
A lovely couple hired him and he drove them to their destination. They wanted to go to a terrace house. They paid the taxi fare and went into the terrace house.
As Mr Lim drove away, at the corner of his eye, he spotted a beautifully wrapped parcel. He wondered whose it was. “Maybe it was the couple’s parcel,” thought Mr Lim.
He drove back to the terrace house and came out of his taxi, took the parcel from the backseat and rang the doorbell.
The man from the couple answered the door. When the woman saw the parcel, she was on cloud nine. She thanked him many times and even rewarded him for his honesty and the man wanted to give him extra taxi fare, but Mr Lim refused to accept.
So they rewarded him by inviting him to their party that they had prepared for their daughter’s birthday. Mr Lim was very happy that day. He wondered if he would ever meet that couple again.
By Beatrice, Jemima, Yong Shin and Ian.
Jemima group compo
The Honest Driver
Whenever Mr Lim, a part time taxi driver was hired by a couple, he would remember one of his happiest days of his life. It was five years ago when the scene took place.
A lovely couple hired him and he drove them to their destination. They wanted to go to a terrace house. They paid the taxi fare and went into the terrace house.
As Mr Lim drove away, at the corner of his eye, he spotted a beautifully wrapped parcel. He wondered whose it was. “Maybe it was the couple’s parcel,” thought Mr Lim.
He drove back to the terrace house and came out of his taxi, took the parcel from the backseat and rang the doorbell.
The man from the couple answered the door. When the woman saw the parcel, she was on cloud nine. She thanked him many times and even rewarded him for his honesty and the man wanted to give him extra taxi fare, but Mr Lim refused to accept.
So they rewarded him by inviting him to their party that they had prepared for their daughter’s birthday. Mr Lim was very happy that day. He wondered if he would ever meet that couple again.
By Beatrice, Jemima, Yong Shin and Ian.
Jarvis group compo
The Honest Taxi Driver
"Thank you for the the ride, Mr." said Mr Tan to the taxi driver. The couple paid the taxi fare. The couple was going to a terrace house to celebrate a birthday celebration. The couple did not realise that they left something really important in the taxi.....
The taxi driver found the couple's parcel beautifully wrapped on the back sit of his taxi that is red in colour! Suddenly two "angles" appeared beside him, a white one wearing a baseball cap which is a good one and a black one holding an axe which is the bad one. The sporty white "angel" said to the taxi driver, "return the red parcel back to the lovely couple! You are the taxi driver, you need to be honest!" While the ugly black "angel" said, "You should not return the parcel, you should keep it selfishly to yourself, who knows that there are valuables in the parcel and you can take it to sell and earn a fortune!"
The taxi driver agreed to listen to the white "angel". He opened his car door and headed straight to the terrace house with the beautifully wrapped parcel.
When he approached to the gate, he pressed the door bell giving it an ear-splitting sound. The master of the house and the couple came out, hoping that the taxi driver would come and return the parcel, and to their astonishment, they saw him, in his hand was the lost parcel. The grateful couple rewarded him a fifty dollar note and thanked him profusely for his honesty. He refused to accept the reward but went off happily as he felt that he had made the right choice.
Friday, October 7, 2011
My Children's Day Card....
Hi! Kids I have put up the card for you to see near our library notice board. Have a look at it when your free. Well, here the e version of it. Hope you guys like it.
Our 2nd Group Writing this term...
3A children enjoyed writing and editing eachother's work before they went about discussing good writing techniques as a class. Here are some shots taken during our 2nd lesson...enjoy!
Jennifer Group Compo
"Thank you for the ride, Mr ." said Mr Tan to the taxi driver. The couple paid the taxi fare. The couple was going to a terrace house to celebrate a birthday celebration. The couple did not realise that they left something important in the taxi ......
The taxi driver suddenly found the couple's parcel in his taxi! Suddenly, two "angels" appeared beside his head, a white and a black one. The white "angel" said " Give the parcel back to the couple!" While the black "angel" said," You should not give back the parcel, who knows there are valueables in the parcel!" The taxi driver agreed to listen to the white "angel." The taxi driver opened the car door and headed to the terrace house with the parcel. Next, he rang the door bell.
The couple came out of their terrace house and to theirastonishment, they saw the taxi driver with the parcel in his hand. In the parcel was a necklace! The couple reward him a fifty dollar note for his honesty. They thanked him profusely and went back to their terrace house.
Alicia Group Compo
I work as a taxi driver. It was a busy day for me. That day, I was driving a fashionably couple to a birthday party that was held at a long and beautiful terrace house. After they have paid the taxi fare, they alighted and left, unconsciously leaving behind a nicely wrapped box.
The honest taxi driver, which is me, decided to return the nicely wrapped parcel that just got out from the back seat. As fast as a F1 racer, I quickly drove back and got out from my seat. Then, I quickly drove back and got out from my seat. Then, I rang the couple's door bell. Meow! I was shocked to know that someone would want a doorbell like that! As I was still thinking about it, the couple heard the sound of the bell ringing and opened the brown wooden door. They felt surprised to see me holding on to their parcel. So, they asked me why is it with me. And I answered "You left the parcel in the taxi." and they took the parcel back.
The couple opened the parcel and saw glittering gold necklaces, ring and more accessories and precious jewelers. Since they were glad that I didn't steal parcel, they gave me a reward of ten million bucks. Even through I said no, they still put the money in my shirt pocket and shut the doors. Bang! So, I had no choice but to accept the money. Yahoo! I spent the money wisely on a mercedes benz car and a new bungalow with shimmering new furniture. I'm so proud of myself. I'm bankrupt.
Written By:
Shayn, Alicia, Jesslynn & Xavier
Aloysius Group Writing
"Thank you for the comfortable ride in your taxi! Here's your fare!"said Mr Lee. "Thank you very much!"replied the taxi driver
Mr and Mrs Lee had just came back from their friend's wedding dinner. It was nearly dusk when the wedding dinner ended. So, the couple decided to take a taxi home. They thanked the taxi driver before returning to their terrace home.
As the taxi driver drove off, he noticed an object behind him. He turned around and saw a parcel at the back seat.the taxi driver thought that the couple had left their parcel with them. Without hesitation, the taxi driver got out of his taxi.
The taxi driver took the parcel and headed to the terrace house. He knocked on the door. Mr and Mrs Lee were pacing back and forth worriedly. They were surprised to see the taxi driver gave them back the parcel.
They were grateful and thankful to the taxi driver. They gave him a fifty dollar note as a reward but the taxi driver declined it. The couple thanked the taxi driver profusely as the taxi driver drove off.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Grammar worksheet
Dear All,
I would like you to try out the homophones, adjectives, instructional verb quiz and also check out some interesting details on grammar
At the following URL. Do write your comments for me. Thank you. Hope you a fun learning experience.
Check this out!
Mdm Pavithra.
Time! I found something very fun for you to do. Here is a website that allows you to try out quizes, games and puzzles to practice the topic " time" topic. Do check it out!
Click here!
Mdm Pavithra.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Fractions Quiiz
Need to test your fractions knowledge? Take the simple quiz and check out the grade three math fraction worksheets!
Click me!
Have fun!
Mdm Pavithra.
Click me!
Have fun!
Mdm Pavithra.
Check this out!, do check this website. It has a lot of word games that you may enjoy playing and learn some new vocabulary.
Click here!
Click here!
Welcome to term 4!
Dear Children,
It's been a long time since I wrote to you. I would like to extend my thanks to all of you and your parents who have been so understanding during my absence and thank you for all your get well wishes. I'm doing much better and will be back next week. I would like you to get ready a few things before we start next term. Please ensure that you have all your files are with you when you return to school. Your term 3 work should be in it. Please do not remove the work. We will need it for revision for SA 2. Thank you.
Also, please ensure all corrections are completed and parents's have acknowledged it with their signature. Rmember to return me your CA 2 cards next week. Thank you. Next, I would like you to complete two journal entries for this week. You may choose to write on some interesting things you did last term. For those who have brought home your MLEA books, please return them next week. I would also like to remind you that you are required to bring the Mathematics 3B part 2 books for next term. If you have not purchased it, please do so ASAP. Thank you very much.
Next term is a very important term as exams are very close, I hope all of you are ready to work hard together with me to do our best. Do have a good holiday and remember to check the blog often. I have found some interesting word games and math quiz for you. Have fun playing it. Till I see you next week. Happy holidays!
Best Regards,
Mdm Pavithra.
It's been a long time since I wrote to you. I would like to extend my thanks to all of you and your parents who have been so understanding during my absence and thank you for all your get well wishes. I'm doing much better and will be back next week. I would like you to get ready a few things before we start next term. Please ensure that you have all your files are with you when you return to school. Your term 3 work should be in it. Please do not remove the work. We will need it for revision for SA 2. Thank you.
Also, please ensure all corrections are completed and parents's have acknowledged it with their signature. Rmember to return me your CA 2 cards next week. Thank you. Next, I would like you to complete two journal entries for this week. You may choose to write on some interesting things you did last term. For those who have brought home your MLEA books, please return them next week. I would also like to remind you that you are required to bring the Mathematics 3B part 2 books for next term. If you have not purchased it, please do so ASAP. Thank you very much.
Next term is a very important term as exams are very close, I hope all of you are ready to work hard together with me to do our best. Do have a good holiday and remember to check the blog often. I have found some interesting word games and math quiz for you. Have fun playing it. Till I see you next week. Happy holidays!
Best Regards,
Mdm Pavithra.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Shared Book Reading on 'Graffalo'
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Rainbow Day 2
Hi! Children...I'm so proud of you for putting up such a great show last week. You did a wonderful job!Congrats! Here are some pictures of you. Have fun looking at it and do show it to your family members. Click on the link below if you want to watch the video version of your performance on YOUTUBE!

Video Link!
Mdm Pavithra.

Video Link!
Mdm Pavithra.
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