Monday, October 10, 2011

Area & Perimeter Game

Hey...children, do play this game! It's very cool and you will get to learn more about calculating the sides for various figures so that you can find perimeter of figures. Enjoy! Click here! Cheers, Mdm Pavithra.


  1. Dear Mdm Pavithra,

    this game is so fun and I thinl that it is also called as learning. Thank you for posting such nice games!

    Jesslynn Khong

  2. Dear Mdm Pavithra,

    I enjoyed the games. Thank you for making our learning fun by posting games for us.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Mdm Pavithra,
    I agree with Celest & Jesslynn, but there's something missing hmm....So enjoyable BUT there's timeing if you''re not a member. What's ft=foot anyway?
