Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grammar worksheet

Dear All, I would like you to try out the homophones, adjectives, instructional verb quiz and also check out some interesting details on grammar At the following URL. Do write your comments for me. Thank you. Hope you a fun learning experience. Check this out! Mdm Pavithra.


Hi...kids! I found something very fun for you to do. Here is a website that allows you to try out quizes, games and puzzles to practice the topic " time" topic. Do check it out! Click here! Cheers, Mdm Pavithra.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fractions Quiiz

Need to test your fractions knowledge? Take the simple quiz and check out the grade three math fraction worksheets!

Click me!

Have fun!


Mdm Pavithra.

Check this out!

Hey...kids, do check this website. It has a lot of word games that you may enjoy playing and learn some new vocabulary.

Click here!

Welcome to term 4!

Dear Children,

It's been a long time since I wrote to you. I would like to extend my thanks to all of you and your parents who have been so understanding during my absence and thank you for all your get well wishes. I'm doing much better and will be back next week. I would like you to get ready a few things before we start next term. Please ensure that you have all your files are with you when you return to school. Your term 3 work should be in it. Please do not remove the work. We will need it for revision for SA 2. Thank you.

Also, please ensure all corrections are completed and parents's have acknowledged it with their signature. Rmember to return me your CA 2 cards next week. Thank you. Next, I would like you to complete two journal entries for this week. You may choose to write on some interesting things you did last term. For those who have brought home your MLEA books, please return them next week. I would also like to remind you that you are required to bring the Mathematics 3B part 2 books for next term. If you have not purchased it, please do so ASAP. Thank you very much.

Next term is a very important term as exams are very close, I hope all of you are ready to work hard together with me to do our best. Do have a good holiday and remember to check the blog often. I have found some interesting word games and math quiz for you. Have fun playing it. Till I see you next week. Happy holidays!

Best Regards,

Mdm Pavithra.