Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sheryl's Group Writing

Once there was a girl named, Fearless Jill. She was Fearless Phil's sister. She was as brave as a lion. She liked to go hiking on mountains. She enjoyed outdoors actives and disliked going indoors.

Fearless Jill was not afraid of all the animals execpt crocodiles. She was good at karate, and could use a machine gun well. Since she could do karate well, she was very sure that she could look after herself.

One bright and sunny day, she was cooking near the river, out of the blue a crocodile came out of the river. She screamed loudly, and bolted down the mountain track. And she never boasted.


  1. Dear Sheryl's group,Wow!Idid not know that you know the phrase"out of the blue"!Keep up with your good work.

  2. Dear Sheryl's group, you even added an idiom to your writing. Why didn't I think of that!

  3. Dear Sheryl's group,

    Wow! your story is wonterful!

    Thank you,

  4. Dear Sheryl's

    Wow! Good job Sheryl's group. Your group writing is wonderful! Keep it up:)!!!

  5. Dear Sheryl's group, I like your writting, and "out of the blue" is something very good in writting . Keep up the good work !

  6. Dear all my friends who have comment all the nice things and thank you for saying that.

    Sheryl Ng

  7. Dear Sheryl and friends, the way your wrote this story was very interesting and marvellous!

    Good job!

    From: Jesslynn Khong Yu Xin

  8. GOOD JOB!!! VERY FUNNY!!!I like it
